Today we struck out together to go to my 6-week postpartum checkup. I anticipated getting the green light for running. Sure enough, I got a clean bill of health! My doc specifically said "you can get back to running." Yay!
I decided to make it a treadmill run. I knew I couldn't/shouldn't RUN too much, so for a beginning effort I ran .1 of each half mile. It felt great! I'm sure I'll be sore later (my runner doc assured me of that), so I kept the effort to 2.5 miles (2 miles walked, .5 mile ran). But it felt so good to do it! Yay me!
Depending on my soreness level, I may or may not try again tomorrow. We shall see!
Great! That's one great smile on your face. I'm sure you're psyched to get back out there. Congrats!
Man, time seems to fly but Isaac obviously has changed so much in that time. Great to hear you're back to running. You look happy!
Isaac is a cutie pie and you're gorgeous! Winners all round. Keep it up sweetheart you're on track!
you look great! and that lil' Isaac--cutie!
You'll be leaving us all in the dust before long...
Congrats on your healthy check-up and first run.
Great job getting back into the running gear. Good call on the taking it easy and working back into it. Isaac is so darn cute. You are one lucky mommy.
Back to running, good for you. What a sweetie pie waiting and watching you work out.
Somebody looks DAMN happy! Great to hear that you are doing well.
So happy to hear your good news! Time does fly, especially with little ones!
Gaahhhhhh bare baby legs just kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Can't. Talk.
Too. Cute.
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