After a discussion with a friend from my "mommy and me" group, I was encouraged to put Isaac in the jogging stroller (that dear Petra gave us!) for the big race. But not before MUCH testing at home. I am sure that he is technically supposed to be older or bigger to really go in it, so I was antsy. Thus the testing. I had Chasen run with him in it as I watched from in front and behind. A lot. And then some more. He didn't move an inch, so I determined that it would be OK. He just needed a little "booster seat" of sorts to hold him up a bit higher for perfect strapping. So Chasen fashioned one out of towels. Job well done!
So we arrived in Holly Springs and found a great parking spot. The race began and ended right on the town square. We got registered and picked up our cool shirts with ease. We had about a half hour to wait. Isaac was already perched on his throne:
That stroller is THE BEST! I simply can't thank Petra enough for sending it. I thought just that as the race began. I started at the very rear of the pack with another stroller. Chasen was far ahead of us. By the first turn I was crying a little bit. Happy tears! I was just so happy about the situation, realizing that I was literally living my dream: running with my baby. Wow. I could end this post right now, because that's really the most important part. But then you wouldn't get to hear about the hill from hell!
So the course ran by many antebellum homes. So pretty! It also went out by the railroad tracks (i.e. the middle of nowhere). As Chasen put it, "There was not one smooth patch of road on the entire course." Once we got back into "town," there was the one and only water stop. Which was out of cups. Ick! But I just had less than one mile to go. That's when we entered the cemetery and the hill from hell. See below:

I finished in 43:06, I think. I ran without my Garmin, as this was all about soaking in the experience. I had hoped for 40:00, but that wasn't considering the hills and terrain.
Ok, I don't know who's cuter, you or Isaac. You're both adorable!
That road looks awful, yuck. Great awards and t-shirts though. It'd be worth a road trip just for the shirt alone.
Congrats on the return to racing!
As I started to read the blog, and saw the "First Time Racer" picture, I accommodate in my chair.... and said, this blog requires my whole attention....
What a wonderful thing. Congratulations.... You are an inspiration for all mothers with babies... I am really happy to know people like you....
lizzie lee
how awesome, Susan. You are one rockin' mom!
Way to go on your race. Congratulations!
Isaac is absolutely adorable!
Susan you're amazing! I am so pleased that the stroller is with you and that you three had such a great inspiring day. YOu are incredible and very inspiring. You are also looking good btw.. Not as good as Isaac though - if that boy gets any cuter Auntie Petra is going to have to come visit..
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you both could do it. =)
What a great time! Thanks for the fun pictures. Congratulations.
What a wonderful way to enjoy your first race! I'll bet Isaac had a great time too. Watch out for when he starts talking and asking for you to go faster :-)
And I'll bet you got double the hill workout pushing that stroller during that race. Great job, Mommy!!
Wow,talk about hills! And, with a stroller? You are super mom lady.
Ok, Isaac might be the cutest kid I've ever seen.
awesome way to go girlie and your cute lil fam too.
Well done! Congratulations to you both. Welcome back to the racing circuit, Susan; you're an inspiration to moms everywhere.
just awesome!!! petra is just the greatest! I wish they'd had those strollers 22 years ago...:) good for you for getting out there. hat's off! you're so inspiring!
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