Isaac is starting to consistently sleep through the night. Whoo hoo! Last night he went precisely eight hours between bottles. Hallelujah! When we were in Shreveport, he went as much as ten. Wow! So this morning he woke at about 5:45 AM. He was changed, fed and snuggled up with Chasen by 6:15 AM. So I was out the door!
Yesterday I had a mild panic when I realized that my C25K schedule no longer has walk breaks. Yikes! From here on out it is all running. So today I was to run 25 minutes. I warmed up for 5 minutes (in the 56 degree weather - wow) and then ran for 25 minutes. Yay me! I did both miles sub-12, which is darn good for me these days. Yesssss!
I hope the rest of my day is half as good as my morning!
Wow! Sounds like a perfect day!
Isaac is growing FAST!!!!!! Congrats on your sub-12... Keep running...
Isaac is beginning to look like you! And that photo of you two is precious - new profile pic? Well done on the program as well - good on you girl!
What a beautiful little guy!!!
I posted the closet delima. Would love any advice!
Great job on your run, Susan! And that Isaac, what a little angel he is.
You are doing great!
It such an amazing time when they start sleeping through the night!
You are rocking the C25K!
Aww, cute picture of the two of you together!
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