I battled a head cold / chest cold / sinus crap for over a week. Yuck. It happens. No running. Until one day last week, a month past Chicago, Isaac and I did a 3.25 mile walk around our new, very hilly neighborhood. And I do mean hilly!
To recap, I have the Mojo Loco Relay Race coming up in less than a month.

I am so excited to get to finally meet so many of my online running friends! Past this relay, I planned to work on strength training until I take the plunge this spring and attempt my first sprint triathlon! More on that to come...
So Friday night Chasen says to me "Why don't you go ahead and do another marathon?" Umm... because I hadn't planned on it due to the afore-mentioned timeline. With a bit of encouraging, I got really excited about doing another so quickly. We looked online and began targeting races within my timeline (about 3 months from now). I have one frequent flier free ticket still waiting on me, so I presumed that I could go anywhere I wanted. WRONG! I got all excited about going to Arizona and possibly getting to see Rio until I realized that the timing was not good for my miles. Ick. So I took about a half day to feel sorry for myself. :(
Then I dusted myself off and tried to pick a race solely based on where I could actually get to FOR FREE. Texas seemed to be an option. I narrowed three races down to one:
Looks like I'll be heading to the Lone Star State for marathon number five! And now that I am back in training (as of this morning) I feel GREAT! I have picked a plan from a book I own (not Galloway - I only have 15 weeks to train, people!) and have modified it slightly (just the day of the longrun) to fit my lifestyle better. Away we go!
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, I'd just like to say that I am very thankful for this blog and all of the friends I have gained through blogging. I know people are blogging less and less these days thanks to social networking, but I do not intend to stop!

Is that Isaac in a dress? No, silly, it's ME! Chasen finally admitted that Isaac looks like me.
Happy running, everyone. Let's do this thing!
I admire you sooooo much Susan! You're such a trooper! WTG! Always on the go, good for you! I love cow, have done since I lived in VT for 2 1/2 years, so... have fun! When does training start? Are you going to do Galloway again?
Cowtown - I have to say I like the name of that! Good luck on this training cycle- it'll be good motivation over the winter holidays! *high five* to Chasen for being so supportive of your running too. :)
Love that picture of you- what cutie!
You are amazing! I want to hear more about this sprint triathlon. Glad that you are settling into the new place. And wow...Isaac really does look like you!!! =)
I think you'll have a great race there - the weather and conditions will be great!
I would love to hear your story!
I just created a website called irunfor.org. It’s a site where people can share their stories on why and what causes they run for. We will donate $1 to help fight hunger for every story that is posted on our site. In the future we are looking for ways for runners to raise money for their causes.
Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you.
Chris Mosteiro
I *love* the baby Susan picture! awwww. Yep, somebody looks like their mother! :)
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