Tuesday, April 26, 2011

For The Record...

I am nervous about the Frisco Railroad Run Marathon. I admit it. It's more than the usual pre-marathon jitters. This is a whole new world for me. This is the first time I have ever tried to piggyback one race with another. The Cowtown Marathon was just nine weeks ago! I took about three weeks to just "knock around" only running small amounts, and then I had five weeks of "hard training" prior to this week's semi-taper. With my Hanson-inspired training plan, I made it up to 15 miles for a longrun. One can see how I may be feeling a bit anxious.

It's a very small race. As of this moment I am one of 48 marathoners. There are 99 10-mile race entrants, 26 50-milers, 20 50k'ers and a few 50-mile relay teams. The course is a rural out-and-back. My great hope is to buddy up with a 50-mile person on the way out and then find another a 50k'er on the way back in. My goal is simply to just run 26.2 miles and walk away with the AWESOME medal (photo coming soon)!

In a nutshell, I feel a bit unprepared. This is the first time that I have not spent 3-4 months training for a marathon. I am a firm believer that it's better to be undertrained than overtrained, and I am thanking my lucky stars to not be injured. But, still, I am worried. Here goes nothin'!!!

1 comment:

Jacky said...

You're my hero! You'll do great!